WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW

tycoon gold addon product image

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Warlords of Draenor Addons

Quick Heads Up Everyone!

Just spoke to the guys from Dynasty Addons about what they have coming up for Warlords of Draenor.

 Here's what they had to say...

 "We're coming out with new versions of all of our addons with new features, new interface, pretty much new code from top to bottom!"

 Short and sweet but exciting stuff

 30.11.14 All addons have been updated for Warlords of Draenor

Check out Tycoon Gold Addon Here!

Check out Booster Leveling Addon Here!

Check out Impulse Keybind and Macros Addon Here!

Check out Edge Addon Here!


Friday, May 27, 2011

7000 Gold 1-56 - Tips While Leveling

468ani Crafting Dust of Disappearance, Yes, Crafting

I've recently started up a very small mini side project, my task was to see how quickly and efficiently I could level while making as much gold as possible. I picked a Night Elf Druid to level and by the time I got him to 56 i already had a hefty amount of 6,800g. How did I do it? I'll give you some helpful tips on what you can do to help reduce leveling costs and help you make some gold while leveling.

Never Buy Gear. Ever.

I didn't buy a single piece of gear when I leveled. You should NEVER have to buy gear now adays; You can either acquire it from quests or through the dungeon finder. Spending gold on gear will save you some gold while leveling. Another tip: Never buy leveling blues/epics. They're useless after a couple levels so you're never going to get their full use. Just don't do it.

When Buying Bags Calculate Price/Slot.

When I first bought my bags on this toon I didn't go straight away for the Netherweave bags. I searched the Auction house and then calculated the Price per slot ( Price of Bag / Number of Slots = Price/Slot EX. Netherweave Bag : 14g/16 slots = 87.5 Silver per slot ). I did this to get the best bang for my buck, most of the time the 10 slotters were the cheapest at nearly half the cost of netherweave bags ( 30-35s/slot instead of 70-80s/slot ).

Vendor Recipes Are Your Friends

I hold these guys very close to me. They brought in a hefty chunk of my income while I leveled. I got my first 1,000g purely from selling every single vendor recipe around me from SW & IF. I also snagged whatever I could while doing dungeons/questing for even further profits. Rare recipes are your friend, some can yield as much as 2-5,000g. Always price check recipes if you're unsure if they're rare or not.

Dungeons Are Great For Gold

Why? Because you have the chance at obtaining rare recipes, rare BOE blues and sometimes even epics. I myself obtained a handful of recipes that sold for over 100g at the AH as well a blue or two that also sold for several hundred gold. Not only do you have a greater chance at recipes/blues but you also gain a hefty amount of experience and gear while doing dungeons. Do keep in mind that you're rolling on items against 4 other people, but with some luck you'll come out on top.

Find Niche Markets

Niche markets are great for starting out, I dabbled in a handful of markets, rare enchanting formulas ( Crusader, Icy Chill, Fiery, Etc ), Elixirs of Giant Growth, Elemental Water, Air & Earth. Niche markets are your friends, they have low competition while yielding excellent profits. Learn to love these markets if you expect to make gold while leveling

If you're having trouble finding some niche markets or niche items such as rare recipes, the undermine journal is your friend. Set up notifications and you're good to go.

Need starter cash? Gather.

Gathering was one of my best sources of steady income. Grab mining and herbalism and just gather while you level. You have no idea how much gold you can get for some of the herbs and ores; some can go for as much as 50g per stack! Gathering is an excellent way to net some cash; especially at those early levels where you're flat out broke.

Those are just some basic tips and tricks that I utilized while I leveled my druid. I hope and I plan on having enough gold for sandstone drake before 80. That's right, I'm expecting to make around 35-40,000g by the time I hit 80, and perhaps somewhere near 90-100k once I get close to 85.

Like this article? Learn to make gold like Markco with his Cataclysm Gold Guide!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tycoon Gold Addon

The First and Only Gold Addon That Makes You Massive Gold With Minimum Effort and Time

The days of gold guides promising top secret strategies that will make you rich in minutes are long gone. There are only a handful of gold strategies in the game that will always give you the most gold and everybody knows about them.

The most common are Gathering, Grinding, Playing the Auction House, Dailies, and Crafting.
Tycoon takes these top gold strategies and shows you how to tweak and optimize them to increase gold income by at least 223%.

The heart of Tycoon lies in its ability to know your server’s economy. It will scan the Auction House, study the economy, and actually tell you the best gold strategies to use at that moment.

Try Tycoon Addon Risk Free - Download Here

Tycoon Gold Guide Review

Tycoon Gold Guide cover image

Thursday, December 23, 2010

10K Gold in 10 Minutes?

20K Leveling Guide Top Secret Item

This is an image I just took from world of warcraft after selling a top secret item for 10 minutes and coming back to see how many had sold 40 minutes later. What happened next shocked me... when I opened my mailbox I had 10,000 gold waiting for me! I had absolutely no idea this was going to work so well! I I immediately went to work outlining how you can do this on your own server with a very clever technique I developed on the fly for selling these simple items.

The best part about this gold making secret is that no one expects them to sell, so they go mostly overlooked.

If you are already an owner of 20k Leveling then you may have just read my entry about this secret in the professions section (chapter 4, page 4). If you aren't, what are you waiting for? The guide gets updated with great tips like this one constantly, and for you newer auctioneers who are struggling with the concepts I preach on a day to day basis, I have provided a new chapter to the guide with a 10 day series of tasks for you to complete in order to better understand making gold like I do. This way you won't be overwhelmed by 500 strategies at once and can instead focus each day on learning something new and exciting that actually works to make you gold.

I currently have 5 professions maxed out and am working towards the final few in order to provide the best content possible for the guide. I hope you are all having fun making gold in cataclysm and I wish you all the best!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Booster Speed Leveling Package

Booster Speed Leveling Package

Hexigames Booster Speed Leveling Guide banner

Hexigames Booster Leveling Guide - Booster Leveling Addon

Watch this video now for package details!

Booster isn't just a leveling guide.

It's a leveling package!

Hexigames says..

There are the "Leveling Guides" that take you by the hand, and show you where to go and what to do, to get to level 80. Then there is Booster - the industry-first, ultimate Leveling Package. We don't just show you how to get to 80. We show you how to break leveling records without even thinking. How to out-level a bot without any grinding. And how to play your class better than most end-game raiders.

Whether you have been playing since Beta, or just started your account yesterday, the Booster program will help you level faster, easier, and better.

Our Booster Leveling Package goes far beyond any leveling guide that has ever been offered before.

Click Here To Get Your New 80 Next Week, Not Next Month!

Hexigames Booster Speed Leveling Package